We discuss here how to implement your custom DASH rate adaptation logic in JS.
A custom logic can be defined using a standalone script, or by attaching a JS object to the dashin filter in a JS session.
It is recommended to read the associated documentation.
Standalone script¶
The standalone mode works by specifying a JS file to the dashin filter using its -algo option:
The JS script is loaded with a global object called dashin
with 4 callback functions:
- period_reset: indicates start or end of a period (optional)
- new_group: indicates setup of a new adaptation group (optional), i.e. DASH AdaptationSet or HLS Variant Stream. For HEVC tiling, each tile will be declared as a group, as well as the base tile track
- rate_adaptation: performs rate adaptation for a group (mandatory). Return value is the new quality index, or -1 to keep as current, -2 to discard (debug, segments won't be fetched/decoded)
- download_monitor: performs download monitoring, potentially resulting in download abort request (optional)
The following is a basic JS example performing dummy adaptation (always play lowest quality) :
import { Sys as sys } from 'gpaccore'
print("Hello DASH custom algo !");
let groups = [];
dashin.period_reset = function (reset_type)
print("Period reset type " + reset_type);
if (!reset_type)
groups = [];
dashin.new_group = function (group)
print("New group: " + JSON.stringify(group));
//remember the group (adaptation set in dash)
dashin.rate_adaptation = function (group_idx, base_group_idx, force_lower_complexity, stats)
print(`Getting called in custom algo ! group ${group_idx} base_group ${base_group_idx} force_lower_complexity ${force_lower_complexity}`);
print('Stats: ' + JSON.stringify(stats));
//always use lowest quality
//you could check group.SRD to perform spatial adaptation
return 0;
dashin.download_monitor = function (group_idx, stats)
print("Download info " + JSON.stringify(stats));
return -1;
Attaching algo from a JS session¶
The first step in your JS is to create a DASH object implementing the callbacks previously indicated:
//custom rate adaptation object
let dashalgo = {};
dashalgo.groups = [];
dashalgo.rate_adaptation = function (group, base_group, force_lower_complexity, stats)
return 0;
dashalgo.new_group = function (group)
dashalgo.period_reset = function (type)
if (!type)
this.groups = [];
You will then need to setup a JS session monitoring filter creation process:
session.set_new_filter_fun( (f) => {
print("new filter " + f.name);
//bind our custom rate adaptation logic
if (f.name == "dashin") {
} );
And you're good to try new rate adaptation algorithm !