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EVG video rescaler

Register name used to load filter: evgs
This filter may be automatically loaded during graph resolution.
Filters of this class can connect to each-other.

This filter rescales raw video data using GPAC's EVG library to the specified size and pixel format.

Output size assignment

If osize is {0,0}, the output dimensions will be set to the input size, and input aspect ratio will be ignored.

If osize is {0,H} (resp. {W,0}), the output width (resp. height) will be set to respect input aspect ratio. If keepar = nosrc, input sample aspect ratio is ignored.

Aspect Ratio and Sample Aspect Ratio

When output sample aspect ratio is set, the output dimensions are divided by the output sample aspect ratio.


The output dimensions will be 192x240.

When aspect ratio is not kept (keepar = off):

  • source is resampled to desired dimensions
  • if output aspect ratio is not set, output will use source sample aspect ratio

When aspect ratio is partially kept (keepar = nosrc):

  • resampling is done on the input data without taking input sample aspect ratio into account
  • if output sample aspect ratio is not set (osar = 0/N), source aspect ratio is forwarded to output.

When aspect ratio is fully kept (keepar = full), output aspect ratio is force to 1/1 if not set.

When sample aspect ratio is kept, the filter will:

  • center the rescaled input frame on the output frame
  • fill extra pixels with padclr


osize (v2di): osize of output video

ofmt (pfmt, default: none): pixel format for output video. When not set, input format is used

ofr (bool, default: false): force output full range

keepar (enum, default: off): keep aspect ratio

  • off: ignore aspect ratio
  • full: respect aspect ratio, applying input sample aspect ratio info
  • nosrc: respect aspect ratio but ignore input sample aspect ratio

padclr (str, default: black): clear color when aspect ration preservation is used

osar (frac, default: 0/1): force output pixel aspect ratio

nbth (sint, default: -1): number of threads to use, -1 means all cores

hq (bool, default: false): use bilinear interpolation instead of closest pixel

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