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ROUTE output

Register name used to load filter: routeout
This filter may be automatically loaded during graph resolution.

The ROUTE output filter is used to distribute a live file-based session using ROUTE or DVB-MABR.
The filter supports DASH and HLS inputs, ATSC3.0 signaling and generic ROUTE or DVB-MABR signaling.

The filter is identified using the following URL schemes:

  • atsc://: session is a full ATSC 3.0 session
  • route://IP:port: session is a ROUTE session running on given multicast IP and port
  • mabr://IP:port: session is a DVB-MABR session using FLUTE running on given multicast IP and port

The filter only accepts input PIDs of type FILE.

  • HAS Manifests files are detected by file extension and/or MIME types, and sent as part of the signaling bundle or as LCT object files for HLS child playlists.
  • HAS Media segments are detected using the OrigStreamType property, and send as LCT object files using the DASH template string.
  • A PID without OrigStreamType property set is delivered as a regular LCT object file (called raw hereafter).

For raw file PIDs, the filter will look for the following properties:

  • ROUTEName: set resource name. If not found, uses basename of URL
  • ROUTECarousel: set repeat period. If not found, uses carousel. If 0, the file is only sent once
  • ROUTEUpload: set resource upload time. If not found, uses carousel. If 0, the file will be sent as fast as possible.

When DASHing for ROUTE, DVB-MABR or single service ATSC, a file extension, either in dst or in ext, may be used to identify the HAS session type (DASH or HLS).

"route://IP:PORT/manifest.mpd", "route://IP:PORT/:ext=mpd"

When DASHing for multi-service ATSC, forcing an extension will force all service to use the same formats.

"atsc://:ext=mpd", "route://IP:PORT/manifest.mpd"

If multiple services with different formats are needed, you will need to explicit your filters:
gpac -i DASH_URL:#ServiceID=1 dashin:forward=file:FID=1 -i HLS_URL:#ServiceID=2 dashin:forward=file:FID=2 -o atsc://:SID=1,2  
gpac -i MOVIE1:#ServiceID=1 dasher:FID=1:mname=manifest.mpd -i MOVIE2:#ServiceID=2 dasher:FID=2:mname=manifest.m3u8 -o atsc://:SID=1,2

Warning: When forwarding an existing DASH/HLS session, do NOT set any extension or manifest name.

By default, all streams in a service are assigned to a single multicast session, and differentiated by TSI (see splitlct).
TSI are assigned as follows:

  • signaling TSI is always 0 for ROUTE, 1 for DVB+Flute
  • raw files are assigned TSI 1 and increasing number of TOI
  • otherwise, the first PID found is assigned TSI 10, the second TSI 20 etc ...

Init segments and HLS child playlists are sent before each new segment, independently of carousel.

ATSC 3.0 mode

In this mode, the filter allows multiple service multiplexing, identified through the ServiceID property.
By default, a single multicast IP is used for route sessions, each service will be assigned a different port.
The filter will look for ROUTEIP and ROUTEPort properties on the incoming PID. If not found, the default ip and port will be used.

ATSC 3.0 attributes set by using the following PID properties:

  • ATSC3ShortServiceName: set the short service name, maxiumu of 7 characters. If not found, ServiceName is checked, otherwise default to GPAC.
  • ATSC3MajorChannel: set major channel number of service. Default to 2. This really should be set and should not use the default.
  • ATSC3MinorChannel: set minor channel number of service. Default of 1.
  • ATSC3ServiceCat: set service category, default to 1 if not found. 1=Linear a/v service. 2=Linear audio only service. 3=App-based service. 4=ESg service. 5=EA service. 6=DRM service.
  • ATSC3hidden: set if service is hidden. Boolean true or false. Default of false.
  • ATSC3hideInGuide: set if service is hidden in ESG. Boolean true or false. Default of false.
  • ATSC3configuration: set service configuration. Choices are Broadcast or Broadband. Default of Broadcast

ROUTE mode

In this mode, only a single service can be distributed by the ROUTE session.
Note: ip is ignored, and first_port is used if no port is specified in dst.
The ROUTE session will include a multi-part MIME unsigned package containing manifest and S-TSID, sent on TSI=0.


In this mode, the filter allows multiple service multiplexing, identified through the ServiceID and ServiceName properties.
Note: ip and first_port are used to send the multicast gateway configuration, init segments and manifests. first_port is used only if no port is specified in dst.

The session will carry DVB-MABR gateway configuration, maifests and init segments on TSI=1
The filter will look for ROUTEIP and ROUTEPort properties on the incoming PID to setup multicast of each service. If not found, the default ip and port will be used, with port incremented by one for each new multicast stream.

The FLUTE session always uses a symbol length of mtu minus 44 bytes.

Low latency mode

When using low-latency mode (-llmode)(), the input media segments are not re-assembled in a single packet but are instead sent as they are received.
In order for the real-time scheduling of data chunks to work, each fragment of the segment should have a CTS and timestamp describing its timing.
If this is not the case (typically when used with an existing DASH session in file mode), the scheduler will estimate CTS and duration based on the stream bitrate and segment duration. The indicated bitrate is increased by brinc percent for safety.
If this fails, the filter will trigger warnings and send as fast as possible.
Note: The LCT objects are sent with no length (TOL header) assigned until the final segment size is known, potentially leading to a final 0-size LCT fragment signaling only the final size.

In this mode, init segments and manifests are sent at the frequency given by property ROUTECarousel of the source PID if set or by (-carousel)[] option.
Indicating ROUTECarousel=0 will disable mid-segment repeating of manifests and init segments.


Since the ROUTE filter only consumes files, it is required to insert:

  • the dash demultiplexer in file forwarding mode when loading a DASH session
  • the dash multiplexer when creating a DASH session

Multiplexing an existing DASH session in route:

gpac -i source.mpd dashin:forward=file -o route://

Multiplexing an existing DASH session in atsc:
gpac -i source.mpd dashin:forward=file -o atsc://

Dashing and multiplexing in route:
gpac -i source.mp4 dasher:profile=live -o route://

Dashing and multiplexing in route Low Latency:
gpac -i source.mp4 dasher -o route://

Sending a single file in ROUTE using half a second upload time, 2 seconds carousel:

gpac -i URL:#ROUTEUpload=0.5:#ROUTECarousel=2 -o route://

Common mistakes:

gpac -i source.mpd -o route://

This will only send the manifest file as a regular object and will not load the dash session.
gpac -i source.mpd dashin:forward=file -o route://

This will force the ROUTE multiplexer to only accept .mpd files, and will drop all segment files (same if ext is used).
gpac -i source.mpd dasher -o route://  
gpac -i source.mpd dasher -o route://

These will demultiplex the input, re-dash it and send the output of the dasher to ROUTE

Error simulation

It is possible to simulate errors with (-errsim)(). In this mode the LCT network sender implements a 2-state Markov chain:

gpac -i source.mpd dasher -o route://

for a 1.0 percent chance to transition to error (not sending data over the network) and 98.0 to transition from error back to OK.


dst (cstr): destination URL
ext (cstr): set extension for graph resolution, regardless of file extension
mime (cstr): set mime type for graph resolution
ifce (str): default interface to use for multicast. If NULL, the default system interface will be used
carousel (uint, default: 1000): carousel period in ms for repeating signaling and raw file data
first_port (uint, default: 6000): port number of first ROUTE session in ATSC mode
ip (str, default: multicast IP address for ROUTE session in ATSC mode
ttl (uint, default: 0): time-to-live for multicast packets
bsid (uint, default: 800): ID for ATSC broadcast stream
mtu (uint, default: 1472): size of LCT MTU in bytes
splitlct (enum, default: off): split mode for LCT channels

  • off: all streams are in the same LCT channel
  • type: each new stream type results in a new LCT channel
  • all: all streams are in dedicated LCT channel, the first stream being used for STSID signaling

korean (bool, default: false): use Korean version of ATSC 3.0 spec instead of US
llmode (bool, default: false): use low-latency mode
brinc (uint, default: 10): bitrate increase in percent when estimating timing in low latency mode
noreg (bool, default: false): disable rate regulation for media segments, pushing them as fast as received
runfor (uint, default: 0): run for the given time in ms
nozip (bool, default: false): do not zip signaling package (STSID+manifest)
furl (bool, default: false): inject full URLs of source service in the signaling instead of stripped server path
flute (bool, default: true): use flute for DVB-MABR object delivery
csum (enum, default: meta): send MD5 checksum for DVB flute

  • no: do not send checksum
  • meta: only send checksum for configuration files, manifests and init segments
  • all: send checksum for everything

recv_obj_timeout (uint, default: 50): timeout period in ms before resorting to unicast repair
errsim (v2d, default: 0.0x100.0): simulate errors using a 2-state Markov chain. Value are percentages